Traditional Chinese Medicine: Herbs, Acupuncture, and Exercise Clear Menstrual Pain and Discomfort
Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is one of the most common gynecological problems that women face. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, women who suffer from...
Adrenal Stress – And What To Do About It
Are you stressed out? Chronically tired? Allergies getting worse instead of better? Catching one infection after the next despite a good diet? Premature menopause? Most...
Boost Your Breast Health for Summer
Recipes and Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer The World Health Organization has reported that breast cancer is by far the most frequent cancer...
Overcoming Guilt and Acknowledging Our True Feelings
Every animal is afraid of pain and will do anything to avoid it. It’s natural. But this avoidance creates a whole host of problems. For...
Herbs and Acupuncture Clear the Pain and Discomfort of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia has now been recognized as a distinct disease entity by the World Health Organization and the American College of Rheumatology, and more physicians and...
Suffering From Summer Allergies? Elder Flower to the Rescue
June is one of my favourite months. In our part of the world, it is the month when everything is the most green and lush....
The Healing Power of Reiki
Energy Medicine for Body, Mind, and Spirit About a year and a half ago, my five-year-old son became ill with a common virus. He was...
Magnesium Decreases Hyperactivity in ADHD Children
Magnesium deficiency is found more frequently in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than in healthy children. In one study of ADHD children, magnesium...
Nutrients for Improving Cognitive Function in Lyme Disease Patients
When I first became ill with chronic Lyme disease in 2004, I could barely read books, never mind write them, as I do now. I...
How Acupuncture and Cupping Help to Ease Emotional Pain
In order to talk about any topic in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it’s imperative to first acknowledge the core of TCM, which is Qi or...
Depression-Free Naturally: How Nutritional Medicine Can Treat Depression and Alcoholism Safely
(Updated Dec. 26, 2021) Taking prescription antidepressants, downing a couple bottles of booze, shooting up or sniffing street drugs – all of these can ultimately...
Hypnosis Could Help You Stop Smoking
A POSSIBLE QUICK AND EASY SOLUTION You don’t need anything elaborate – aids, gimmicks or gums – to stop smoking. In fact, I believe that...
Homeopathic Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
While no one can make a definitive case for what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, homeopaths believe that we all come into this world with inherent...
How Your Liver Makes You Angry
Chinese Medicine Explains How Depression, Anger, and Grief – are Linked to Cancer and Other Diseases Depression is a broad subject, and a condition which...
Benefits of a New Year Detox
For thousands of years, human beings lived as hunter-gatherers; a few hours of work each day devoted to gathering and preparing food, and the rest spent socializing with their family...
Stoke Your Digestive Fire to Boost Your Energy and Clear Inflammation
As the raw food movement gains enthusiasts worldwide, you will often hear them say that raw food is best for health because it is highest in nutrients. Technically...