Gastrointestinal Conditions

Best Natural Treatments for Heartburn, GERD, and Indigestion

June 27, 2023

By now, most of you are aware of the horrors of the drug epidemic that is causing thousands to die each year as a direct...

Heavenly Horsetail: One of the First Herbs to Emerge in Spring

April 1, 2023

I enjoy every season, but as a student of nature and a herbalist I have to admit I love spring the most – observing the...

Treating Crohn’s, Colitis, and Candida Naturally

October 1, 2017

Hippocrates, the Greek physician who is considered the ‘father of modern medicine’ (460 – 380 BC), famously stated that: “All disease begins in the gut.”[1]...

Lemon Balm

September 1, 2017

Revered by Herbalists from Ancient Monasteries to Modern Kitchens Relax and take cheer; Lemon Balm is here. This refreshingly humble member of the Mint family,...

Stoke Your Digestive Fire to Boost Your Energy and Clear Inflammation

February 1, 2017

As the raw food movement gains enthusiasts worldwide, you will often hear them say that raw food is best for health because it is highest in nutrients. Technically...

The Human Super-Organism

February 1, 2017

“Humans without microbes are sick. Microbes without humans have no home.” (Rodney Dietert, PhD, The Human Super-Organism, 2016) For the past century, scientists have assured us that they knew what made us tick

The Human Microbiome

May 1, 2016

New Research Points to Its Critical Role in Health and Disease “One of these days – not tomorrow, but I hope not in the distant...

Spotlight on Shepherd’s Purse

April 1, 2009

Excellent Spring Tonic for Circulation Now that spring is here, I find it exhilarating to go for a walk each day and see all of...

Red Raspberry: Herbal Ally Strengthens and Tones the Heart, Respiratory Tract and Reproductive System

June 1, 2007

June is an amazing month in Ontario. It tends to be the time of year when everything is incredibly lush and at its greenest. Life...