Book Review: Conscious Women Conscious Relationships

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Author: Darlene Montgomery
Publisher: Lifedreams Unlimited
Book Publication: 2010

For those who are seeking advice on how to incorporate a higher form of love into their lives, Toronto resident Darlene Montgomery offers stories from 40 women about their experiences with relationships of all kinds. The fifth book in the Conscious Women: Conscious Lives series, titled Conscious Women Conscious Relationships: Stories of Wisdom and Awareness on the Path of Relationships by Lifedreams Publishing, includes stories from women across Canada and throughout the U.S. dealing with all types of relationships.

Themes include New Beginnings, The Greatest Love of All, Learning to Let Go of a Loved One, The Gift in Illness and Loss, Turning Life’s Obstacles into Stepping Stones, Rising to the Challenge, Overcoming the Fear of Death, and Surviving and Triumphing After Life Threatening Illness.

Oprah Winfrey is also included in the list of women sharing their heartfelt stories on love, loss, finding new love, and more.

Montgomery formerly worked with the Canadian co-author of Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul, compiling the book which became a Canadian bestseller.

Conscious Women Conscious Relationships is available from Lifedreams Publishing at

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